Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A LONG month of fun!

My baby being cute and silly on my new bed!
(bed spread anyways ;))

We had some snow stick to the ground! It didn't last very long so we had to enjoy it while we could. Tray of course wanted to play ball...

Then he decided that throwing the very wet snow could be fun too,...

Tyler on the other hand just wanted to shoot his bow and arrow in the snow,
(a toy that was left in the back yard by the previous owners, and he LOVES it!)

I think this shot captures my boys pretty well.

David's birthday was this last month as well, he got cool new tools, ...
(I also got the cool organizing shelves you see behind him ;))

But the most prized gift of all was...

This cool new gun with extra ammo, everyone needed to try it out!
(and still does on an almost daily basis)

We got rid of our old love seat that was falling apart and replaced it with these...

The kids love them! They are wrestling mats, mountains, dragon caves, you name it!

Even with these new seats that all the kids love to play on, Sammi still likes to find "different" seats around the house, this was one of her favorites for awhile.
(I love how you can see her foot coming out of the elevator!)

Hopefully you aren't getting too sick of my pictures, because I have a few more coming.
The kids have really gotten into playing dress-ups. The boys love the Spiderman, Jango Fet, cowboy, and Buzz Lightyear costumes we got after Halloween. Sammi though has eyes for nothing but her pink and her orange wings, she likes to wear them everywhere!

It's so sad, and yet I love to see how these kids are growing and changing!
It will be fun to see what this next month has in store for us!


BandB Eyes said...

It's about time you put up pictures of those cute kids!!!- and don't worry...you can never put too many!

Lisa said...

I need a gun like that.