Thursday, March 5, 2009

Still Alive

We are still here. Sorry it has been so long, a lot of fun and exciting things have happened in the last two months. I am hoping to get on again in the next few days to post again (once I have actually downloaded some pictures). Don't give up on me!

Tyler Really Likes His Grandpa

I told this story to my sister the other day and she told me that I needed to post it on my blog.
About a week ago we were out driving as a family running some errands. When we were done we asked Tyler if he would rather go to the park or the beach to play. He put his pointer finger up to his lips in a thinking pose and after a moment or two he answered "Grandpa's house!" We tried to explain that Grandpa lives a really long way away (about fourteen hours away); to which he replyed (after doing his thinking pose again) "Drive really fast!"